Sunday, October 17, 2010

Taking Pictures After Sundown

Photographers normally quit taking pictures when the sun goes down. I recently took a hike into the high Wasatch Mountains that started too late in the day. My destination was Lake Blanche up Big Cottonwood Canyon. My group didn't start hiking until about 4:30 and it took us three hours to complete the hike. When we reached the lake, the sun had gone down and just a few of the mountain ridges were in the sunlight. I decided to take a chance and set my camera to shoot three frames: -2, 0 and +2. This resulted in exposures of 1/45s at F/8, 1/20s at F/8, and 1/3s at F/8. Luckily there wasn't any wind. I combined the three exposures with Essential HDR Standard Edition and this is the resulting picture.

I can tell you that it was actually darker than this picture shows. About 25 minutes later, I took a series of three shots of the two sister lakes by Lake Blanche. I could barely see them. The shots were taken at F/8 at 1/6s, 1/1.1s, and 1/2.5s. After combining them with my HDR program this is what I got.

So don't forget that you can continue to take pictures even after the sun goes down. By the way, these I could barely see these additional lakes.